Sunday 24 June 2012

Mo' Mentum

A dopey hulk of a character for a game idea.

The game will be an introduction to the character and his misfortunate genetic disorder. Mo’ Mentum is able to gain size and power when he gets aggravated and confused. In game he gains aggravation by stepping, falling or jumping on living objects from zombie bunnies to skeletal knights. The bigger the foe the more aggravated Mo’ gets.

Aggravation allows Mo’ Mentum to run faster and jump higher until he becomes calm again. The bigger the foe, the more aggravated Mo gets.  To show if Mo’ is calm or aggravated, on the games HUD the corresponding words will appear. This allows the player to know if they are able to clear a large gap.

The game is set in medieval times. Mo’ is a grave digger. As he is tending to his grounds he stumbles and accidentally crushes a bunny rabbit. His body begins to bulge and as he turns to look at the helpless bunny. He soon realises that the bunny has begun to re animate. Mo’ gives a sigh of relief and picks up the battered bunny to stroke it. To his surprise the bunny becomes ferocious and tries to bight Mo’. Aggravated Mo’ throws it to the ground and begins to stamp on it. He begins to bulge up again and his stamping shakes and cracks the ground around him, until it finally gives way and Mo’ falls down into a crypt bellow.

The game is played out in levels. Each level is divided with checkpoints. If the player dies, he will be sent back to the last checkpoint. At the end of each level the number of times the player dies will be recorded and posted onto a leader bored, 1st prize being for those that complete a level without dying.  The game basically plays out in this formula: Enemy, quickly clearing simple objects, reaching and clearing a large obstacle before his aggravation wares out.

There will be several themes for the levels. These will be Crypts, Graveyards and dungeons.

Enemies that Mo’ finds are all reanimated skeletons and zombies. This means that if he crushes one to gain its aggravation it won’t be permanently lost. Such enemies are zombie bunnies, skeletal knights and zombie villagers.

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