Wednesday 28 July 2010

Beauty and the Best Level Design

Beauty and the Beast Project – Level 1 Section A
1.  The level starts in a gloomy village at night. [Cut scene start] Thorns are twisting around all the trees and buildings and the trees are beginning to lose their leaves. The gate to the forest becomes entangled with thorns and groans like trees swaying in the wind are heard in the distance. Some of the villagers around the Heroes begin to shudder as their eyes turn then glow yellow and their skin gives off black smog. The possessed begin to attack the none possessed. [Cut scene end].
2. Town Hall. In here are more possessd villagers and the possessed Mare.
3. Chapel
4. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist.
5. House containing pickup.
6. Gate to the Forest. Once all the possessed villagers are slain the gates rip open.
7. Burning guard tower, a half dead guard is hanging over the balcony. When you reach him he mutters “the... trees... are... alive!”
8. Split in the road, the hunter says “A fork in the road, we best split up.” The player/players then decide which path each Hero will take with 2 down one and 1 down the other. An invisible wall prevents you from going back to the other path.
9. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist.
10. As you turn around the corner trees with glowing eyes and walking around can be seen where the path opens. There are 2 medium possessed trees and 4 small possessed trees. These attack you as you enter the wider section of path.
11. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist.
12. Small Protection Bell: Ringing this bell gives all the Heroes a damage boost for 5 mins.
13. This part of the path overlooks the battle bellow; the Heroes can fire down to aid the others bellow.
14. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist. As you cut it down 5 small possessed trees crawl out in front of you.
15. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist.
16. Small outpost hut. Possessed guard walks out knocking the bell in front.
17. Small Protection Bell: Gives a 5 min damage boost. Also when the guard knocks the bell he becomes stunned for 2 secs and his attacks are slowed down for 30 secs.
18. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist. The thorns reseal once the hero’s pass through
19. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist. The thorns reseal once the hero’s pass through
20. Thorns blocking the pathway. Will take 5 seconds to cut through or 2 seconds to burn through with the alchemist. Before you reach the thorns a large possessed tree steps in your way in the clearing. When you go to attack it or dodge its stomping attack the Soldier Hero calls out “Its no good, were going to have to run for it!” Two of the heroes must distract the enemy while the other cuts the thorns down. The player must then run away from the large possessed tree. Along the path ahead there are logs the heroes must jump over and boggy patches they must dodge or they will be slowed down.
21. Church Gates.
22. Church. [Cut scene starts] The Heroes run through the gates as a priest calls you inside the church. Before you go in, the camera turns to show that the possessed tree cannot enter the church grounds, but it does root itself to the ground. The church is dimly lit by candle light and the bell is ringing loudly. There are 2 stain glass windows on each wall. [Cut scene end] The ground starts to shake as a giant root smashes through one of the windows. The Heroes must attack it when it comes through and dodge it when it flails about. Once the roots health has gone it flails out but hitting and greatly shaking the church on its way out. This happens 6 times till each stain glass window is broken. When the 6th root pulls out the walls of the church crack and the front wall along with the bell tower on top falls to the ground. The Large possessed tree creaks other to the church, the second stage of the boss fight begins. The tree will stomp down 3 times with its arms; if all its attacks are dodged one of its arms will become stuck in the ground preventing it from attacking. The Heroes can then hack the arm off. This puts the boss into a rage so his stomp attack quickens. Again if 3 of his attacks are dodged in a row his arm will get stuck in the ground. Once the second arm is hacked off the tree will then fall over lifeless and the yellow glow will fade from it.
23. Crack in the wall. When the church was destroyed a section of wall is also destroyed allowing the Heroes to proceed.
24. End of forest level section A.

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